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Forge Hackathon 2021 Project
Threat Level: Midnight
Autodesk Forge Viewer
This is an application that gamifies the concept of 'AI based Threat/Risk Identification.' In this game, made in Forge Viewer, we are depicting the concept by detecting potential threats to a VIP in an airport by using the airport's security systems. This application was made in the Forge Hackathon 2021 event & received an Honorable Mention.
The game's story has taken some inspiration from the American sitcom 'The Office' & serves as a funny & ironic anecdote to the show. The player starts in the security room of the airport where there is access provided to a map of the various security camera locations. As time passes, security threats are detected by the camera & the player is notified about them. The player then has to go to the threat's location, analyse the situation and make a decision. If all the correct decisions are made, the player wins the game. If the Viewer adds more features to it's development environment, the game can be further modified by adding some cool animations, projectile physics etc. Other than Threat & Risk Identification, the concept can have a multitude of applications, some of them being in Security Personnel Training, Emergency Services Response (through IoT), Natural Disaster Detection etc. Furthermore, with the technology of drones, quadcopters & GoPro cameras, it can be used portably as well. You can watch a demo or play the game itself, above.

Contributors: Rohan Kadam, Shivam Mahajan, Vishal Singh, Yash Agrawal, Ravi Kumar